Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A New Direction for the Evergreen Center

One of the greatest challenges ACS continually faces is meeting the ever-changing, ever-growing needs of our clients with what resources we have at hand and/or are able to acquire at any given time. We’re proud of the way the Western New York community has always been in our corner, fighting with us to end the epidemic. Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of our generous donors and dedicated volunteers, demands on our resources continue to grow at an astronomic rate. The ACS Board of Trustees recently voted unanimously that the only fiscally sound option in the current economic climate was to reconfigure plans for the proposed Evergreen Center, focusing on an extensive renovation of the Roanoke rather than construction of an annex. Reduced government funding along with skyrocketing construction costs made a new build too risky a venture for these uncertain times, and the Board’s primary concern is - and always has been - the fiscal responsibility and discipline necessary to ensure that our services remain secure no matter what. Renovation of the Roanoke will allow ACS to continue providing our core services and add innovative new services the community needs desperately. In fact, all of the programs and services planned for the new building will be provided in the renovated Roanoke. In one sense it’s a new direction, yet in another sense nothing has really changed. Still, there are bound to be questions so please feel free to leave comments!

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