We're putting the finishing touches on the brand new Wellness Center... The renovations are complete, the heating system works, the furniture has arrived, and now we just have to put all the pieces together. Check back for regular progress reports!
Over 50% of HIV+ women in the United States are African-American women. SISTA is a peer-led program designed to help African-American women use knowledge, skills and pride to protect themselves from HIV. The SISTA program consists of a two hour session once a week for five weeks. The 2009 SISTA graduates recently gathered for a reunion, and a wonderful time was had by all!
If you've been to the AIDS Community Services website lately you know things look a bit... well, out of whack. We're in the process of moving the entire website (along with Alianaza Latina, Pride Center, DoingItSafe and Evergreen Association sites) to a brand new server. Things will be up and running better and faster than ever in just a few days. We appreciate your patience!