Wednesday, July 30, 2008

ESAR is Just Around the Corner

The Empire State AIDS Ride kicks off in less than two weeks! ACS sends thanks and best wishes to our own Kat Boger along with the entire Buffalo Wings Bicycle Team, once again representing Buffalo in the Ride. Great job!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

AIDS Among Latinos on the Rise

Thanks to Alianza Latina for this find from the Washington Post. Registration is required to view the story.

AIDS Among Latinos on the Rise

HIV and AIDS in the News

WKBW-TV Channel 7 turned the spotlight on youth perceptions of HIV and AIDS during their July 22 Buffalo news broadcast. Reporter Bridget Blythe spoke to young people about how they and their friends view the disease and the threat it poses to them. Here are some of their comments:

Wesley (14): most kids my age they think that HIV is not a serious problem.

Howard (15): there's medicines for this disease and this for this disease this for that one. And they're not thinking if they catch this it might be a lifelong thing.

This type of comment isn't surprising to those who work in the field of HIV prevention. As medical advances have allowed people with HIV to live longer, healthier lives, the public's perception of the disease has changed, and many, especially young people, no longer think AIDS is something they need to worry about.

Friday, July 25, 2008


AIDS Community Services and ECC are teaming up to provide FREE GED classes to the public starting in September. The classes will be held M-W-F from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. If you or someone you know is interested, get on our pre-registration list by emailing

Open Thread

Leave miscellaneous thoughts, feedback, questions etc. in the comments.

Pedal Power

Bicycling is getting a lot of attention these days thanks to the high cost of gas, but did you know pedal power can even help fight AIDS? ACS has not one but two bike-themed special events coming up: the Empire State AIDS Ride in August and the brand new Big Kahuna Ride in September. ESAR is a week-long bike ride across the state, going from Niagara Falls to New York City, or 560 miles if you're keeping track. I'm tired just posting about it; I can't imagine actually riding it. But our incredibly dedicated Buffalo Wings Bicycle Team will once again represent ACS in the Ride, and fortunately they're in much better shape than I am. A few weeks later the Big Kahuna Ride will mark the first US appearance of the Big Bike, a specially built bicycle that seats 30 people. I can't wait to see this thing riding around downtown Buffalo. It's going to be unreal! As always, you can check the ACS site for details or leave questions in the comments below.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

This Weekend

This is going to be a busy weekend here at AIDS Community Services. The annual Garden Walk will bring hundreds of people from all over Western New York and beyond right into our backyard... literally! The agency's Garden at the Victorian is once again a stop on the Garden Walk route. Visitors will be able to stop inside for refreshments at Tea Time at the Victorian, and learn more about the agency in the process. Meanwhile over at Buffalo's Front Park the Life Changes Picnic will be in full swing on Saturday afternoon. The picnic is part of the Buffalo Black Mini-Pride. If you attend one (or more!) of these events, we'd love to hear your feedback in the comments section!